Chsbhc Body And Physics Mod breasts And Butt Jiggle Mod via 99 at Humble Bundle was and continues to be a huge success. Female friendly Dragon Priest Masks posted in Skyrim Mod Requests Because you look like a Bad Dwemmish ScreamMovie cosplayer when wearing it. Any claimed alternative methods for consoles are a waste of time or complete BS.Female dragons skyrim mod Icons ic_24_facebook_dark. Tl dr buy the PC version if you want mods. During these conversions there are a lot of opportunities for screw-ups that waste the whole process.

If you want to have control over what the file contains you would need Skyrim on the PC anyway: people take a PS3 save, convert it to PC, edit it, and then convert it back. You have no ability to actually "mod" anything yourself, it's like what would happen if you saved your Skyrim file to a USB stick and traded with a friend for theirs. All that these generally consist of are a few additional sets of armor/weapons already in the game. Some people download "modded" Skyrim save files from the internet and just add them to their PS3 with a USB stick. Now, what people have been discussing in this thread is a bit different. It's not even close to worth it for mods that likely won't work anyway. You can't mod Skyrim on your PS3 in a similar manner to the PC without jail-breaking it (which you don't want to ever do), and even if you did, you open both your game saves and PS3 to a myriad of unsolvable issues. There's honestly a lot of misinformation in this thread. If you have your heart set on modding Skyrim you should just buy the PC version, which can be found on sale for ~$35 with all DLC if you go for the Legendary edition. I have been playing skyrim since around when it came out I only have the ps3 version is there a way to mod it without getting my ps3/account banned or without jail breaking it I only have one ps3 and it is basically my only source of entertainment -yes I have no life- and wouldn't want it or my account to get banned?