The game also boasted an atmospheric orchestral soundtrack. The official site for The Elder Scrolls series, including The Elder Scrolls: Blades, coming fall 2018. Unofficial Oblivion Patch - The biggest downside to playing a game made by Bethesda is that typically players are going to have to deal with a large number of bugs and glitches. If there’s one game people might not have expected to age well, it’s The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Bethesda Game Studios tarafından geliştirilmiş ve Bethesda Software tarafından satışa sunulmuş The Elder Scrolls serisinin dördüncü oyunudur. the excitement when I found those secret passages in some dungeon, typically filled with some skeletons, etc. Inevitably, on a technical level, it comes up a little short compared to games of today, but that’s rather to be expected. With a powerful combination of freeform gameplay and unprecedented graphics, you can unravel the main quest at your own pace or explore the vast world and find your own challenges. Hey guys! No matter which angle you’re coming from, Oblivion is still a masterpiece and one that boasts endless hours of deftly crafted content. Unlike Morrowind, Oblivion is set in Cyrodiil, the heartland of the Empire of Tamriel, which in turn is just a single continent on the planet of Nirn. Summary: In this RPG epic, you must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel. Phil Spencer: Bethesda acquisition “is about delivering great exclusives games” for Xbox Game Pass, 20 Bethesda games will be part of Xbox Game Pass from tomorrow, More Bethesda games join Xbox Game Pass this week – Microsoft’s ZeniMax takeover is complete, Pocoyo Party is coming to PS4 and Switch this Spring, Operation: Tango is a co-op spy game coming to PC and consoles soon, Where The Heart Leads releases in July for PS4 and PS5, Maneater will swim to release in May for Nintendo Switch, Hood: Outlaws & Legends Brawler trailer focuses on the character’s brute strength, Brawlhalla is getting a Kung Fu Panda crossover event, Praey For The Gods development update confirms aim for April release, Hitman 3 Elusive Targets – where to find The Stowaway. This section contains bugs related to Followers (Oblivion).

Although the PC version of Oblivion handles best when played with a keyboard and mouse, it is possible to play the game with an assortment of game pads as well.